
Completion of graduate school in 2023

RSNA2018 in Chicago

RSNA2018 in Chicago

Year-end Party2015

The 45th Autumn Scientific Congress of Japanese Society of Radiological Technology in Hiroshima (2017)

RSNA2015 in Chicago

RSNA2015 in Chicago

Year-end Party2015

Year-end Party2015

Ainu-village tour with Professor Dr Anchali Krisanachinda

Ainu-village tour with Professor Dr Anchali Krisanachinda

Farewell Party with FY2014-2015 graduate students

Farewell Party with FY2014-2015 graduate students

Meeting with Mr. Alexander Kotchev

Meeting with Mr. Alexander Kotchev

Mr. Ichikawa, winner of dual prizes

Mr. Ichikawa, winner of dual prizes

“Kick-off” shot with FY2013 undergraduate students

“Kick-off” shot with FY2013 undergraduate students

“Kick-off” shot with FY2012 undergraduate students

“Kick-off” shot with FY2012 undergraduate students

